ExporTech Detroit Market Research

Project Title

Using Data Analytics to Identify International Market Opportunities

Project Summary

ExporTech is a national export technical assistance program developed by the US Department of Commerce.  It aims to help companies developing export strategic plan.  In Fall 2018, U.S. Commercial Service-East Michigan, Detroit Economic Growth Corporation, MEDC, the Michigan Manufacturing Technology Center, and the NIST Manufacturing Extension Partnership partnered with Madonna University in a project that offers consultancy services to ExporTech Detroit's companies.  The Center for Business Development provided a service-learning platform for assisting the companies in ExporTech Detroit to develop their export strategic plan.  MBA students in INB 6080: Global Business Perspectives participated in the project. Twenty students were divided into 4 groups that used data analytics to assist each company to research their international market opportunities.  Data analysis utilizing qualitative and quantitative methods were performed to predict the future import and export trends of the target countries.   This project utilized a three day-long workshops spanning 10 weeks to complete the research.  ExporTech presented four awards to our students to recognize their professional work, innovation and community impact.

Contact Project PIs : Prof Adela Lau (slau@madonna.edu) & Prof Nidhal Bouazizi 
More information on ExporTech Detroit